Monday, May 16, 2011

FREE BOOK: How to Setup A Family Budget by Ravinder Tulsiani

Are you ready to start planning for tomorrow?

The Amazing Secret To Creating A Family Budget That Leads You Out Of Debt, Fills Your Savings Accounts, And Escorts You To Your Next Vacation!
Listen. It hits families all over the world like a punch to the stomach.

You don’t notice it at first, but soon you find yourself living in a paycheck to paycheck world. What you make one month is gone before you have any time to add it to your savings account…

Before you have time to fill your cupboards just one last time (while you wait for your next paycheck)… And definitely before you make any dent on your credit card balance.

Families all over are enslaved by their debt racked up over the years. The burden is immense. You don’t want anyone to know you’re having a hard time making ends meet – especially any kids that might be involved.

You’re afraid to answer the phone. It’s tough to sleep the night through. Life in debt is now a never-ending cycle of anxiety and fear.

How can you stop the seemingly endless cycle? How can you change the way you think about money? And discover financial discipline?

Let me tell you, it’s not too late with my tell-all guide…

How To Properly Set Up A Family Budget!

Greetings Friend,

If you have had financial problems in the past, you can feel relief when you start over with a (realistic) family budget.

Have you ever heard, “The first step is admitting there’s a problem?” You may or may not have a spending problem – but you can’t create a family budget without first being honest with yourself.

And let me tell you it feels good. No matter what you’re financial situation. Sitting down and figuring out exactly where you stand. How much money you owe. How much money you need to save up each month. How much money you get to spend each month.

Just putting it all down on paper lets you leave the stress behind you. And in the next hour or so, I’m going to show you how to do exactly that…

Give Me 50 Minutes And I’ll Have You On The Fast Track To A Family Budget That Erases Debt, Starts Piling Up The Savings, And Leaves You With Enough Left Over To Hit Disneyland With The Kids.

The relief is almost instant when you create a family budget. But you know what the best part is?

When sticking to your budget starts to pay off. Soon you will have a monthly surplus. Soon you will see your savings start to grow. Your debt will start to dwindle. And you’ll notice you’re still able to do the things you love!

Within my 50 page guide, “How To Set Up A Family Budget,” I’ll tell you exactly what you need to do to turn past money-management mistakes upside down. You’ll discover all my tricks, tips, and techniques for putting yourself on the fast track to financial security.

You can download my report straight to your computer. And you can have it in just minutes from now.

Here is just SOME of the information you will find inside:

=> The secret to why we can spend, spend, spend – and never know where the money went. (Page 6)

=> How to sit down with bank statements, checking accounts, stock portfolio’s and a list of assets to find out your true financial status. (Page 7)

=> 7 types of assets that have real value – that you may not know to include as part of your self worth. (Page 8)

=> Why this guide is different than other “budgeting” books. (It has to do with our “hands-on” approach.) (Page 8)

=> 5 main categories of spending that your budget will allow (don’t worry, this should make you happy!) (Pages 9-10)

=> 9 defenses of budgeting to tell your partner if they need convincing. (Page 10)

=> 26 simple tricks to help you keep to your budget (without grinding your teeth). (Pages 11-12)

=> 12 reasons why starting a family budget will empower you like never before (and help you sleep at night). (Pages 13-14)

=> 3 most common reasons why budgets fail. Know what to look out for and you’ll avoid these budget busters. (Pages 14-15)

=> What most financial advisors will tell you to keep motivated. Hint: It involves something good for you. (Page 16)

=> Why it’s important to set one main goal. (Page 17)

=> 11 successful characteristics of a family budget that you may want to make sure your budget has (if you want to turn your life around for the better) (Page 17)

=> 5 step-by-step actions to take on your way from financial mess to pillar of (wealthy) success. (Page 18)

=> 13 common expenses that you may forget to add to your budget if you’re not careful. (Pages 19-20)

=> 6 categories to separate your payment information into (to make sure there aren’t any unexpected bills that could bust your budget) (Page 21)

=> What to do if your expenses total more than your income. (Pages 21-22)

=> How to handle your paycheck strategically to make sure your bills get paid. Hint: This trick is so good, you won’t notice how responsible you are being. (Page 23)

=> Why it’s important to splurge every once in a while. (Page 23)

=> What does fiscal awareness mean? And why is it the first technique you should start applying. (Page 25)

=> The 17 rules to family budgeting. Print these out and post them on your refrigerator. (Pages 26-28)

=> 10 important processes creating a budget must provide for. (Page 30)

=> 11 secrets to budgeting found deep within the world wide web. (Pages 31-33)

=> 14 secret weapons for stopping the reach to your purse or wallet. Tried and tested, these are guaranteed to cut down your spending. (Pages 33-35)

=> 11 steps to changing your attitude towards money and turning yourself into a saver instead of a spender (with some fun exceptions). (Pages 37-38)

=> The secret to overcoming unforeseen obstacles. (Pages 39-40)

=> 10 reasons to stop spending now. (Or else it might be too late.) (Pages 41-42)

=> Why you must confront your debt now – and how to do it painlessly. (Pages 43-44)

=> 12 steps for curbing your debt. (Page 44)

=> 11 dynamite ways to have fun with little to no money. You may have forgotten about these. (Page 45)

=> 25 final thoughts of wisdom on family budgeting to keep you moving forward in a positive (financially free) future. (Pages 46-50)

And there’s MUCH more – guaranteed!

“Are You Ready To Leave Your Financial Problems Behind You?”

How to turn your disorganized financial mess into one empowering family budget (that will leave you with enough money for your next vacation).

There are many things you can do to sabotage your family budget before you even start. (I know, I’ve heard of most all of them.) One thing you can do is to not allow for splurging.

If your budget doesn’t allow for you to spend a few dollars on your self every once in a while – your budget isn’t going to work out. On page 23, I tell you why it’s OK to splurge every once and a while. And most importantly, how to do it responsibly.

Many times people start planning a budget and things are going well. But then they hit an unexpected snag. And BAM. There budget isn’t going to cut it. My guide identifies the most common reasons why your budget may falter so you can see them coming months in advance. Just check out pages 39-40 to make sure your financial stability stays afloat.

On pages 14-15, you’ll find the top 3 budget busters that are the downfall of most family budgets. My guide WILL NOT let you succumb to these avoidable pitfalls!

In 50 pages, I’ll show you how to leave the fear and axiety behind. I’ll tell you exactly how to put a plan in place that will have you sleeping the night through in no time (probably starting tonight). With just a few tweaks, you will be financially responsible.

What is financial stability worth to you? Here’s the deal, I spent a lot of time putting this report together. It’s saving you a trip to a financial planner that could cost you hundreds. But because I’ve already written everything down, I don’t have to charge nearly that much. Instead, you can have my report, “How To Set Up A Family Budget” ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!

And it will make all the difference or else. Just check out my…

Sounds good? The risk really is on me. To beat your financial situation and attain your goals, all you have to do now is click the button below..

Download "How to Setup A Family Budget!" Click Here Now!

Thanks for reading,


P.S. See how easily you can turn your financial status around with a realistic family budget (that allows for the extra goodies you can’t live without). If you have financial goals that need to be met – whether it’s getting out of debt or putting some money away, my guide will tell you how to realistically set up a budget to do just that.

Just scroll up to see what I can teach you today. Then click this link below to get started!

Grab Your FREE Copy Of “How To Set Up A Family Budget” Now!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Planning the Budget for Your Child’s Birthday Party by Ravinder Tulsiani

Hosting a birthday party can sometimes be stressful especially if you have a limited budget. The job will not be that hard if you only know how to plan for the party especially the budget. In order to make the financing easier for you, there are things that you should always remember. Here are some points that you can consider:

1. Ask yourself how much you can afford. You should anticipate all the expenses that may arise while planning for the party. Be sure that you can afford all the expenses.

2. You need to know the cost for a certain venue where you will hold the party. There are places that do not cost that much and you can consider them for the party. You may want to hold your party at your own home but make sure that it can accommodate all your guests.

3. You can serve many cheap foods for the party. This can help you save more money. You can include many cheaper alternatives in the menu like pastas, hotdogs and sandwiches. You also have the option to the food preparation yourself rather than getting the services of a caterer.

4. You can buy all the prizes and giveaways from many discount stores. Small tokens do well in birthday parties. They do not have to be expensive since children are not after the price of the prizes they will get.

5. Invitations can be done personally, by phone or e-mail rather than mailing a birthday invitation.

6. There are also other alternatives for celebrating your child’s birthday. You can consider bringing you child and his friends in the parks, circus and even in the malls. They will surely enjoy it and you do not have to worry of damaging your household budget.

Eating Healthy On A Budget by Ravinder Tulsiani

If you have problems serving healthy foods because
of the prices, you'll find these tips to be just
what you need to eat healthy on a budget.

1. Eliminate junk food
Doing your shopping on your own is the easiest way
to shop, as children and sometimes spouses are
usually the ones requesting junk food. Shopping
alone will prevent this, and ensure that you only
buy the foods you need.

2. Water or milk instead of soft drinks
You can still enjoy your favorite drinks at a
sporting event or night out, although you should
stick with the smallest size when shopping to save
money and calories. Children and even adults need
milk or milk products on a daily basis. Milk will
also help you get strong and provides calcium for
healthy bones and healthy teeth.

3. Buy fruits in quantity
Whne they are in season, buy fruits in quantity
and freeze any extras. You can buy several pounds
this way, and freeze extras to have them when the
fruit goes out of season. Wash the fruit well,
remove any spoiled pieces, dry thoroughly, then
freeze in plastic zipper bags.

4. Meats and beans
Meats and beans are the best sources for protein.
Lean meat is more expensive than meats with a lot
of fat. Canned beans are a great deal as well,
as they give you protein at a great price.

5. Beans as a substitute
You should use beans a substitute for meat on a
frequent occasion. There are several varieties,
so you can prepare them in a crock pot, so when
you return home they are ready to consume.

The USDA recommends eating beans at least 4 times
per week. If you experience gas after eating
beans you should try washing them, covering them
with water, bringing the water to a boil, then
draining it off and refilling the pot.

6. If you live in a coastal area or an area
where fish are around, make that an integral
part of your diet. You can catch them from the
lakes or rivers, saving money in the process.

7. Peanut butter is great for those on a budget
as it's popular with almost everyone. You can
use it for sandwiches instead of eating hot
dogs. It does need to be refrigerated, although
bigger jars can last you for weeks.

8. You should fill up with foods that have a high
content of water. Watermelon, salads, and even
sugar free gelatin are all great examples.

Eating healthy is always something you can't go
wrong with. You can eat healthy for just a few
bucks, which makes it perfect for those on a
budget. Now, you don't need a lot of money to have
the lifestyle and health you've always wanted.

Monthly Household Budget by Ravinder Tulsiani

Even when both partners in a family work, money can still be tight. It costs a lot to afford all the essentials in life including a place to live, food and car expenses. Add to that a bit of spending money and some unexpected purchases and there can be little to no money left at the end of the month. Setting up a monthly household budget is a great idea regardless if there’s a little or a lot of money to work with.

Salaries are really the foundation of any financial plan. If the person works at a job where they are paid a certain amount week after week it can be a bit easier to plan a monthly household budget. People who are paid on a commission basis may find it a bit more challenging to work out a financial plan, but it certainly can be done and the salary portion should be an average in this case, as opposed to an exact amount.

If you’ve never created one of these before it can be a bit daunting. The easiest approach is to list all the money coming into the home and all the money going out. To do this effectively a person should really document all the expenses they make in a one month time frame. This includes every stop at the convenience store they make, as well as every penny they spend in vending machines.

It can be difficult to itemize every dollar but it’s really important. Doing this helps the person preparing the monthly household budget by showing them where excess money is going. It’s very surprising how quickly trips to the mall or sporting events add up.

Working the old-fashioned way with a pencil, a calculator and a piece of paper can be time consuming and obviously can lead to some mistakes being made. For anyone with a home or office computer, using monthly household budget software is really the best approach. All that is required is that you key in all the relevant numbers and the program will offer suggestions regarding where money can be saved or where it can be redirected.

Debt can be overwhelming and for someone who is juggling balances from one credit card to another it creates a lot of stress. Preparing a monthly household budget in which the focus is on paying down the debt as quickly as possible is really beneficial. A good way to do this is to think about where money can be saved and then using that to pay a credit card. This might include not buying new clothes, waiting to rent a DVD instead of seeing a movie in a theater or giving up going out to eat for a few months. Once a person sees just how much money they are using on non-essentials when they make their budget, it becomes much easier to save.

Monthly Budget

One of the best ways to manage your personal finances is to create a viable budget that you can follow. Establishing a monthly household budget is no simple task, though and you may find yourself pretty discouraged in little time at all. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to get your finances well organized and monthly spending under control.

I’ve heard plenty of different suggestions including--and I’m not kidding—putting your credit cards in ice. Yes. You got it. You should freeze your credit cards in water so that you have to wait until they thaw before you can use them. How this can help with a monthly household budget is beyond me.

Actually, I do see the logic, somewhat. After all, if you have to wait for the ice to thaw you are less likely to make spontaneously rash shopping errors. Overspending is often done on the spur of the moment and waiting for the cards to thaw is a crafty approach but I know myself too well to include it in my monthly household budget strategy.

Don’t forget that ice can be chiseled in a fraction of the time and in this day and age, all you really need are the numbers to make online purchases. The old credit card on ice is just not a viable option for my monthly household budget maintenance program.

Organization is the key factor in the process of creating a monthly household budget that you can trust. And, let’s face it; there are few of us who are really well organized when it comes to personal finances. It helps to get a professional on your side to help you work through a monthly household budget that will really work for you realistically.

The help comes in all different forms. You can browse through the various options online and in no time at all you can be well on your way to getting your finances under control. Creating a monthly household budget is very important and it is crucial that you look into viable options, not credit cards on ice.

There are printable forms that you can use. These forms help you take a good long look at how much money is coming in as well as how much money is going out. Once you see the information in black and white, you can work towards creating a monthly household budget that works for you and your family.